Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lovely May

This last week has been eventful and a good start up here. I am finally getting into the drift of things. After Diana being gone for over 2 weeks Roza and I have been able to get along quite nicely. We make dinner for each other sometimes and take turns doing dishes. I made some fantastic Chicken and Rice the other night, and tonight she made a Mongolian dish
1. Homemade noodles, beef, carrots, and other stuff
2. type of salad with Hard boiled eggs, mayo, peas, carrots, pickles, sugar, and something else. I am trying to get the recipe on both so that I can share it, but oh it was delicious!!!
I also got a surprise postcard from Diana in the mail:

"Jenny, I miss you and hope you are surviving =) Ireland is beautiful and yes it is as green as the picture makes it." (the stamp covers up some of the writing so some may be missing). "Yesterday we went to Dun Aengus (the fort looking thing... of the cliff) the view was incredible once we arrived. Getting ...... exciting. We rode bikes 6 miles to get there. Riding through the lush green on the left edge of the very narrow road with cars passing on the right driving with the steering wheel on the right side of the car which is alway sa little weird. Even with all of the rain the view from the top and at the edge of the cliff was amazing. The 300 foot drop from the top to the water was absolutely not a cliff jumping height. Wow what a neat view. After pictures on what seemed like the edge of the world we sang hymns and a few commented and stopped to listen, which was a wonderful spiritual experiance. And soaked completely through, freezing and the most cold I have ever been in my life. Today we went and saw the grave stone of W.B. Yeats (a famous poet) tombstones in Europe are all very elaborate and fantastic. Say hi to the neighbors for me. <3 Diana Hancock"

That was very sweet and a lovely surprise for me today!

On sunday, I was called up to the bishop's office along with the rest of my Relief Society to recieve a ward calling and while I was standing in line I was speaking with my Executive Clerk and I asked,
"Do we have a ward employment specialist?"
"What is that?" he replied
"Ok nevermind, I guess not" I said odviously seeing that we did not.
"Why, are you looking for a job?" He inquired.
"Yeah desperately I have to pay my bills somehow" He looked at me and then got a deep thought look on his face.
"I think we are looking for one more person actually. I am the supervisor and I could put in a good word for you."
"That would be great!" I jumped!
"Do you know photoshop and Mac?"
"Not so much"
"Well, they aren't very hard to learn, you give me your info and I will see what I can do, and get back to you." I grew more anxious and hopeful in this quest to find a job.
Yesterday I wrote him and inquired if he had looked into it and he replied with this.
"Well, I talked to my boss today about it. He told me he would get back to me tomorrow about it" So today is the big day and I am praying that I get this job. If I have to take any other job around town I will required to work on sundays. Which I honestly have no desire to do.

BTW: My calling is now on the Enrichment Commitee. Im not exactly sure what that entails but I am sure I will be able to handle it with the aid of the Lord by my side.

Anyway, It's late, I just thought I would catch yall up on the happenings recently. Hope all is going well with you and your families. I miss you all. Love you!


Holly said...

Hope you find a job!! And I think I might need those recipes too! gotta collect for when my boy gets home! :)

Unknown said...

Ok! Send me an email on facebook and let me know which ones you want.