Friday, April 17, 2009

First Day

So far my time has been busy busy crazy lol but still manages to be fun =)
So I was in line to load onto the plane when next to me were two ladies one was on her way to R-Burg and the other to SLC for a funeral =( The one going to R-Burg was Crystal and the other to the funeral, well I didn't catch her name but we had a good time talking. We were all pretty much outgoing and laughed a bunch. I didn't sit by either of them on the plane which is ok, cuz I fell asleep anyway and got to watch the view. Here are some pictures from the flight ... and a picture of Crystal.

Crystal and I sat together on the 4 hour trip to R-burg and in the airport while we waited 2 hours for our shuttle. It was nice. She was fun to talk to but sadly I kept falling asleep. I felt horrible, so I told her I was going to take a nap and talk later. So I did, but everytime I woke up it felt like we should have been there but it was only like 10 minutes later. DRAG! lol

When we finally reach Rexburg Diana came and met me at the stop to help me with my luggage to our top floor apt. I had WAY TOO MUCH lol see...

When I got into my apt.. well lets just say tomorrow is full of SPRING CLEANING! LOL we have a lot of work to do, just see for yourself...

After lots of cleaing I put my decorations on my post board and got some scripture reading in with Jared. It was very nice and I loved being able to feel the spirit so strongly before I turned in. All in all a good first day. Hopefully today will be just as good =)

1 comment:

Jake and Susie said...

Wow what a day!! I hope everything is going good for you!!